It’s not extremely pleasant. You have to put on a heavy apron, hold a stiff piece of film in your mouth, and sit still while your dentist’s assistant takes X-rays. Is it really required? Absolutely! Advanced Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry knows there’s no question about it. Your dentist can’t see everything that is going on […]
No Cavities? Thank Your Parents.
At Advanced Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, we stay abreast of new discoveries in the exciting field of dentistry and occasionally share interesting facts with our Seattle area patients. Today’s post focuses on new findings in an intriguing field of research: genetic dentistry. “About 60% of the risk for tooth decay appears to be due to […]
Updating Your Health History May Help Save Your Teeth
Although you may think of general health and dental health as two completely unrelated categories, they are much more connected than the average person suspects. Just as the information you share with your general practitioner assists them in keeping you healthy, your Seattle dentist, Dr. Daniel McKay, depends on your input for optimal dental health. […]
Destination Dentistry – Are the Savings Worth the Risk?
Ah, vacation. The sun, the sand, the… gauze in your mouth? Dental work and recovery might not be your preferred use of your precious vacation days, but some people are packing their bags and heading to exotic locations for dental work in hopes of saving money. As medical education and technology improve all around the […]
Mouthwash: More Harm Than Good?
At McKay Center for Cosmetic & General Dentistry, we know a lot of people feel they’re adding a layer of tooth decay and gum disease prevention to their oral hygiene routines when they swish with mouthwash—which may be true, but it depends on the mouthwash. If you floss and brush properly, mouthwash isn’t always necessary, and […]
Dental Insurance Trends
Above any other medical need, people are more likely to skip seeing the dentist because they can’t afford it. Many people choose not to buy dental insurance because it’s an added cost without a lot of perceived value. For some reason, people simply feel more comfortable taking this risk because they don’t fully understand the […]